Beautiful human eyes peek out of rose flowers in this abstract painting by Shann Larsson

Shann Larsson’s Nomadic Mixed Media Art

Shann Larsson was born in 1987 and raised in Germany, Sweden, Indonesia and Hong Kong. The childhood nomad currently lives and works in Hong Kong, creating mixed media art works with photo manipulation and paint to create art works that combine the real and imagined worlds. Larsson says her paintings are inspired by emotions and […]

Mayhem & Muse
French artists “Bonsoir Paris” Create Wood that Melts

French artists “Bonsoir Paris” Create Wood that Melts

Bonsoir Paris is an art duo who experiment with a variety of art mediums. Turning their hands and creative talents to wood sculptures, the artistic pair created Duramen, a series of wood sculptures that depicts melting picture frames. Each piece is a tactile surrealistic delight. In reality, wood doesn’t melt, it simply burns and turns to […]

Mayhem & Muse

Crazy Dancing Cows get 20 Million Views on Youtube

Cyriak is a freelance animator from Brighton in the UK. Cyriak’s animations delve into the realm of the bizarre, combining surrealism and animation to create trippy and mind-boggling animated videos. “Cows & Cows & Cows”, the video featured here, is an animation created in Adobe After Effects. Cyriak used images of cows, morphing and distorting […]

Mayhem & Muse
A cute but sad manga girl plays with koi fish and lotus flowers in this Photoshop painting by Namie-kun

Super Cute Manga Paintings by Namie-kun

Namie-kun is a digital artist from Perth, Australia, who creates bright, emotive manga paintings with digital art programs. Using a pen tablet and Photoshop software, Namie-kun creates fun action art based on both her own manga characters and characters found in famous anime cartoons like Pokemon. The wide-eyed, stylized characters are super cute, inspiring feelings […]

Mayhem & Muse
A paisley inspired tattoo design by Barbara Swingaling of brightly colored flowers

Barbara Swingaling’s Intriguing Paisley Tattoos

Barbara Swingaling is an artist living in the Netherlands. Working from the body art shop Classic Ink and Mods in Amsterdam, Swingaling creates tattoos with an intriguing twist; although the tattoo is permanent, the designs are based on those traditionally used in henna tattoos, a non-permanent form of body art. Many of Swingaling’s paisley tattoo […]

Mayhem & Muse