How to Catch a Kangaroo… With a Shopping Bag!

Here is a funny but simple way to catch a kangaroo, posted on Youtube by Kookabugga. The video shows an Australian bloke catching a baby kangaroo by simply offering the animal a shopping bag to fall into. I can’t tell if the guy is an animal handler who has trained the kangaroo to tumble into […]

Mayhem & Muse
Jacek Yerka’s Surrealist Paintings Suspend Belief

Jacek Yerka’s Surrealist Paintings Suspend Belief

Jacek Yerka was born in Poland in 1952. He studied fine art and graphic designs before becoming a full-time artist. Yerka’s training in art techniques is apparent in the neat layout of his surrealist paintings and the crisp way in which each painting is finished. The style that Yerka uses to create his paintings is […]

Mayhem & Muse
Fire Blowing, Punk Rocking Bag Piper

Fire Blowing, Punk Rocking Bag Piper

The Badpiper, also known Cam Akazie, is from Fremantle in Western Australia. This kilt-wearing and mohawk flaunting rocker has a highly entertaining performance, in which his musical instrument, the bag pipes, doubles up as a flame thrower. This video, taken in Fremantle, shows the Ozzie rocking his badass boots and his fiery bag pipes to […]

Mayhem & Muse
The Surrealist Tattoo Art of Luca Natalini

The Surrealist Tattoo Art of Luca Natalini

Luca Natalini is an Italian tattoo artist who creates exquisite surrealist tattoo designs. Each design is unique and custom-made for the client, although there are some similarities between Natalini’s tattoo art works. Some have elements of bio organic design, whereas other tattoos display influences from traditional surrealist paintings. Working largely in vivid colors, Natalini creates […]

Mayhem & Muse
The Psychedelic Art of Andy “Android” Jones

The Psychedelic Art of Andy “Android” Jones

Andy Jones believes that creativity is the foundation of consciousness and that art is the agent of social change. He draws inspiration from the art works of artists who are centuries dead, and combines this inspiration with digital art techniques to create spiritual, often psychedelic and surreal Photoshop paintings. Android Jones’ website states that “Android’s […]

Mayhem & Muse

Painting with Sugar to create Candy Art

A Chinese street vendor demonstrates traditional sugar painting methods to create an artistic lollipop of a crane bird. Each piece of candy is hand-made on a marble slab in a professional manner, revealing the years of experience that this lady has had with the art of sugar painting. Her movements are smooth and controlled, dribbling […]

Mayhem & Muse
Marvelous Metal Sculptures by David Kracov

Marvelous Metal Sculptures by David Kracov

David Kracov is a versatile artist who has been building his art portfolio since the tender age of twelve. He is a sculptor, animator and painter who is influenced by popular culture. His art works are often created with the intention of commemorating those who have passed away in violent events such as 9/11 and the […]

Mayhem & Muse